The DSAIDIS Annual Day 2022 took place on Wednesday 15 June. This annual event is an opportunity for the Télécom Paris team to meet the operational teams of the five partner companies: Airbus, ENGIE, IDEMIA, Safran and Valeo. On this occasion, various members of the academic team, from professors to PhD students, presented their works based on the four research axes of the Chair. There was also plenty of time for socializing and exchanging ideas.
9h – 9h30 – Welcome coffee and Introduction > Find the materials of the introduction presentation 9h30 – 10h50 – Axis 2 : Exploiting large scale, heterogeneous, partially labeled data > Find the materials and the video replay of the presentations of the Axis 2 10h50 – 11h10 Coffee break 11h10 – 12h35 – Axis 1 : Building predictive analytics on time series and data streams > Find the materials and the video replay of the presentations of the Axis 1 12h35 – 14h Lunch 14h – 15h20 – Axis 4 : Learning through interactions with environment > Find the materials and the video replay of the presentations of the Axis 4 15h20 – 15h40 Coffee break 15h40 – 17h – Axis 3 : Machine Learning for trusted and robust decision > Find the materials and the video replay of the presentations of the Axis 3 17h-17h15 – Discussion and conclusion