The Data Science & Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry & Services Chair also supports higher education. Its academic teams is involved into into two continuous education programs. Both of these are co-organized and delivered together with ENSTA Paris. Their academic supervisors are Florence d’Alché-Buc, Full Professor at Télécom Paris and Alexandre Chapoutot, Associate Professor at ENSTA Paris.

Certificate for Specialized Studies (CES) “Artificial Intelligence”

This certificate, operated by Télécom Evolution, presents in 25 training days the different components of artificial intelligence: machine learning, deep learning, massive data processing (image, speech, etc.) and robotics. It is designed for engineers, technicians and project leaders.

The first session started on April 2019.

Read more about his program (in French)

Post-Master Degree (Mastère Spécialisé) “Artificial Intelligence”

This post-Master Degree consists of 9 intensive training months followed by 4 to 6 months of professional thesis internship. The courses aim to address the foundations of artificial intelligence (Logic and symbolic, statistics, machine learning, ethics…), the specificities of machine learning and optimisation for AI (deep learning, large scale learning, reinforcement learning, GPGPU programming…)  and the AI in interaction (natural language processing, image learning, shape recognition, autonomous systems.)

The Degree is also deeply rooted into the professional environment, with a 6-months group project, weekly professional seminars animated by companies, job research techniques… This bran new program will start on September 2019.

Read more about his program (in French)