The first five interns of the DSAIDIS Chair started their internship last April and we present here the work of four of them.
Dimitri Bouche and Rémy Leluc are following the Mathematics, Vision, Learning (MVA) Master’s program at ENS Paris-Saclay. The program prepares students for careers in research, development and innovation in the field of mathematics applied to data, image and signal processing.
Jean-Rémy Conti is in his third at Ecole des Mines de Paris, studying geostatistics, a branch of statistics that examines the processes that are deployed continuously in a geographical space.
Brice Parilusyan is in his fourth year at the Léonard De Vinci School of Engineers (ESILV) in La Défense.
Here is a brief presentation of their internships:
Dimitri Bouche is working on a topic that is little explored in machine learning: space-time processes. He will be analyzing functional and operator-valued kernel methods, with a view to meeting several of the challenges inherent to this type of data. Dimitri Bouche is working with Florence d’Alché-Buc, the head of the DSAIDIS Chair and a professor at Télécom Paris.
Rémy Leluc’s internship will be on adaptive Monte Carlo methods, in the context of reinforcement learning, examined from a theoretical point of view (convergence and inequalities, theoretical bounds) and from a practical point of view (implementation of new methods and comparisons with state-of-the art methods). He is being supervised by François Portier, lecturer at Télécom Paris and Pascal Bianchi professor at Télécom Paris.
Jean-Rémy Conti will be focusing on machine learning for spatial data. He will be setting a mathematical framework, in order to establish to what extent the rules obtained by empirical risk minimization can be generalized. It will also serve to study other extensions to the spatial context of popular algorithms, both theoretically and experientially. He is being supervised by Stéphan Clémençon, professor at Télécom Paris and Emilie Chautru, co-director of the geostatistics program and a researcher at the Ecole des Mines de Paris Geostatistics Center.
Brice Parilusyan is passionate about robotics. He joined his school’s robotics association, twice taking part in the French robotics championship and built InMoov, a life-size humanoid robot. His internship will be on the study of social signals in a group. He is studying the “emerging state” in a group, such as cohesiveness and leadership and how they can be quantified by a virtual agent. He is being supervised by Giovanna Varni, lecturer at Télécom Paris.