Call for candidature: postdoctoral positions in Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France.
We are currently opening two postdoctoral positions in Machine Learning to join the chair “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry and Services” at Télécom Paris (in the newly created Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France) to work on one of the following topics:
Télécom Paris is one of the Top 4 Engineering Schools in France, member of Institut Mines-Télécom and founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Created in 1878, it has evoled to become the leading engineering school in digital technology in France. Its excellent teaching and innovative pedagogy places Télécom Paris at the heart of a unique ecosystem of innovation built upon the interactions between its initial and continuous education, its research center and its two business incubators.
Its research activity is assessed exceptional in quality with publications in the best journals and conferences by the HCERES (Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher Education) and has received the Carnot TSN label (Telecom and Digital Society).
Its research area covers the entire field of digital technology and develops expertise in six strategic axis on a European scale, among which the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence axis. This major theme gathers over 40 researchers and 80 PhD students. In 2017, there were 24 PhD thesis defense on these topics and its academic team published over 220 scientific papers.
The “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry and Services” chair, initiated in the Signal, Statistics and Machine Learning group, was officially launched in April 2019, with a team of 21 permanent researchers and the sponsoring of five major companies: Airbus Defence & Space, Engie, Idemia, Safran and Valeo. This chair is holded by Pr. Florence d’Alché-Buc.
The postdocs are expected to have a strong background in both theoretical and computational aspects of Machine Learning. They will lead researches on the cited topics with the team and participate to the supervision of PhD thesis. They will also actively contribute to the scientific animation of the Chair and will collaborate with the industrial partners on applications.
The successful candidate will hold a PhD in machine learning, statistics/biostatistics, computer science, have a strong publishing experience in peer-reviewed journals and conferences in Machine Learning and an excellent background in applied mathematics/statistics. Strong interest for computational aspects of Machine learning is expected as very good skills in programming (Python).
Positions are available from July 2019 or later, and for a duration of two years, with possibility of extension for a third year.
To apply, please send via email, with the sentence “Postdoc application” as a subject, a single file containing a statement of research interests, a CV, a copy of relevant certificates, (p)reprints of two publications, and a list of two references to Pr. Florence d’Alché-Buc (florence.dalche(at) before July 10, 2019.