AAAI 2020 is an international scientific conference, held every year, the main purpose of which is to promote research in artificial intelligence. The event highlights scientific exchanges among researchers, specialists and engineers in various AI disciplines.

AAAI 2020 was held February 7-12 in New York in and provided many opportunities for useful discussion. Participants at this 34th event enjoyed a range of contributions, including conferences given by international AI specialists, summary reports from students, poster sessions and tutorials. This year, members of the Chair co-wrote an article, which was accepted.

Guiding attention in Sequence-‐to-‐sequence models for Dialogue Act prediction

Pierre Colombo (Télécom Paris and IBM); Emile Chapuis (Télécom Paris); Matteo Manica (IBM Research); Emmanuel Vignon (IBM); Giovanna Varni (Télécom Paris); Chloé Clavel (Télécom Paris)


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